
Future Story

I went to my garden at the back of the house and sat down under the tree. That tree always helped me to feel better. It was already two-hundred years old and when I think about everything that tree has seen, observed, absorbed and been through it puts things into perspective. Just to be near to such a creature, or whatever you want to call it. I meditated and concentrated on all the lives this tree has seen passing.
         Two-hundred years ago, around the year two-thousand, a person who lived in this area got ill. Doctors, who were very rational and primitive in that time, discovered the person had something odd in his body between his vital organs that was hurting him. They performed surgery and removed it. It was a very rational thing to do; you see something bad, so you take it out. Their method was very primitive though. In that time they would cut you open for anything which is always very risky. They didn’t understand by that time that it doesn’t work to “fix” a body only physically and then send it back to its original way of living. Only later on humans became more and more aware of the functioning of our body. But the person who lived here two hundreds years ago did not realize that. So this person had his surgery and went back home. For me it’s no surprise to “hear” from the tree that the disease came back and in the end became fatal. The tree was very young when this happened, and already got a bit damaged since this was the person who planted the tree. But they’ve moved on.
         At first humanity grew on the borders of rationality for a while longer. At a sudden point in history, about a hundred years ago, we realized that we had expanded our knowledge and technology to the very limit. It was a turning point in our way of thinking and living.
Also in technology, which was always very practical and irrational thing for us humans. We started to connect technology with our feelings and emotions rather than just to use it for communication and information sharing. Even though we used it for communication we got isolated through using technology. The physical part was missing; this made us lonely and separated us from each other. We changed that, and used our inventions to truly understand ourselves and each other. That way we used technology to really connect with each other. We could become one through our devices. We realized that all this time that we were meant to be together and that everyone has the vital need for connection. Also the medical industry changed. From cutting people open, “fix” them and then leave them alone to recover, we went on to a more natural way of healing. Often there is a psychological explanation for the disease a body is confronted with and you can only help the body to recover from it. You can’t simply fix it. The body is self preserving but is not always able to on its own. Our ways to help the body in a natural way are very strong and trustworthy. So our medication is not that we just do something to our body or to deceive our inner system to do something our way. The medication works together with our body. When the medicine or treatment enters our body or makes contact with it, it helps the body find the right treatment for and from itself and it works because we often underestimate ourselves while we can cure more than we think. The medicine helps us realize this and gives us the belief that we have the ability to heal ourselves. And so we can.

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